Kennedy Agyapong — Ghanaian Politician And Businessman

African Celebs
3 min readJun 16, 2019


Be Inspired: Meet Ghanaian Business tycoon, Politician, (NPP) and a philanthropist! Join us in wishing Honorable Kennedy Agyapong Member of Parliament for Assin Central, God’s richest Blessings and also get to know him better.

Who’s Honorable Ken Agyapong?

Kennedy Agyepong is a Ghanaian business tycoons who’s contributing immensely to Ghanaian economy through his businesses.

He and his wife Stella Agyepong own the KenCity Group of Companies, (13 in all) ranging from real estates, media.

Hollywood Shopping Center, the Supercare Group of Companies, cold stores,Ash FM, Net 2 Television station, Oman FM and Spice FM and oh did we mention shares in Assin Farms and Several other investments? Yes guys hard work pays…

Honorable Kennedy Agyapong is not only known for representing Assin North in parliament for the NPP (New Patriotic Party) and speaking against corruption in Ghana, but also for giving back to the community.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done~ proverbs 19 17”

It is widely known in Ghana that he even donates his salary to the needy people in his constituency.

He has provided Scholarships to over 2500 to students in Ghana from primary right us to higher education. Made donations to some hospitals in Ghana and also outside Ghana.

Ken Agyapong has been recognised as one of the 1st Africans to donate towards global humanitarian concerns, he was quick to help the Haiti victims during that horrible disaster in 2010.

For his many humanitarian contributions in Africa and the diaspora, he has received numerous Special Achievement/Lifetime Awards.

‘A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.’

Even though Honorable Ken Agyapong does not count on recognition to contribute to humanity we are pleased that his good works are being recognised over and over!

Address by Honorable Kennedy Agyapong on his ‘Lifetime Achievement on Philanthropy and Public Service Award from 5th GOD Awards’

“I want to thank the team that has come here today to announce the award that will be given to me on August 4,”

“All I want to say is a big thank you for recognising my work, I hope we can do our best to make sure we go with good impression.”

“I will select three people from each region of Ghana to benefit from the scholarship. Let me say that I will not give it to people from my constituency only,”

Speaking to the media he also encouraged other philanthropist not to give up in helping humanity…

Keep up the good work!

Happy birthday to African Kennedy Agyapong. Join us in Hon. Kennedy Agyapong an amazing day!

Sources: Ghana News/Oman FM/Princess Maria Amor

‘There’s nothing more rewarding than giving back and making a difference in the lives of people… Until we next time check out 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇

Originally published at on June 16, 2019.



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